After i had blocked out the interiors of the environment, i started looking at all the lights in maya. There are 6 lights in total and each light has a different effect and aspect to it. As i'm going through the lights for the first time in detail, i am going to just explain what each of the lights are and their function and purpose. Here are the lights stated below and what i thought of them and the potential results they can bring to my environment....
Ambient Light - The ambient light is a very strong light. Light is being projected in almost every direction. This light can be useful for very dark places in environments that need a lot of brightness but what i found out as i was experimenting with this light was that you can't really cast a shadow while using this light. Also the light appears to take away almost nearly all the shade and shadow of nearly every object in the scene because light is being projected in every direction. This light can have some purposes but in this case, because of its lack of shadow and shade that it cannot bring , i will not be using this light.

Directional Light - The directional light is a more specific light which is projecting its ray of light in one particular direction as i found out. Which ever direction you position the lights in, that is the area that its going to project its lights on. Also you can use forcast shadows on this light so its one that i may use as i go along. Could be useful if i am trying imitate a sun ray or something like that.

Point Light - The point light in appearence is very similar to the ambient light in which it is projecting its light in all direction. The difference between the ambient light and point light is that the point light can cast shadows and shade but the ambient light cannot. This light can be useful for something like a light bulb or a lamp.

Spot Light - The spot light is a very interesting light. In appearence the light appears to funnel its ray in a cone shape and projects its light in one direction with the light appearing in a circular shape due to its cone shape appearence. This light could be useful if i'm trying to play around with character and mood. I could use the light to literally focus on scene or a character and with added shadows that come with it, it could prove resourceful.

Area Light - The area light is a very straight light as i started using it. Just like the directional light, it projects its light in one particular direction. I found out that this light could specifically be used for something like a moniter screen which could prove useful since my team are creating an office environment.

Volume Light - The volume light is probably the biggest since it works and looks differently from the rest. I found that its appearence is like a grid sphere shape form and that within the grid sphere the light is projected inside. I found out that the more you expand the light, the brighter the scene gets. I could be potentially using this light for large environments.

The first light i tried experimenting with was the Area Light and its a pretty cool light. I found out that this light may have to be duplicated on many occasions as i found out that light isn't strong enough to light up a whole scene. Plus the positioning of the lights is also going to be very important and i will be looking into that. Here are some early rough and low key lighting in maya just to get warmed up.

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